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César Moreno Pérez

Senior Associate Director, Human Rights
Washington, DC

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César Moreno-Pérez is an associate director in the AFT’s human rights and community relations department. He currently oversees the AFT’s work on immigration, unaccompanied and refugee children, and U.S. child labor, and is an integral part of the team that guides the AFT’s policy and programs for families and educators of English Language Learners. Part of his portfolio includes strategic partnerships with national Hispanic, AAPI and immigrant rights organizations. He has led several national and statewide campaigns on social and economic justice issues. Prior to joining the AFT national staff, Moreno-Pérez was the co-executive director for the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute and the deputy executive director for the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA). He has been on several delegations investigating civil rights violations in South Africa, South and Central America, Europe, Cuba and Mexico. He is a native of the Central Valley of California and is a graduate from the University of California, Berkeley. He serves on the LCLAA national executive board, the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Hispanic Affairs, and an advisory board of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators, and was the U.S. representative and immediate past president of the Youth Committee of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas, the regional body of the International Trade Union Confederation. @profe_c
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